
Tuesday 18 May 2010

17. MAI!

The 17th. of May is the Norwegian national day. It is a day for the children, as they get to walk in parades with all their friends, play different games and eat a lot of sweets. Adrian dressed up in this "bunad" (sort of national outfit, comes in a lot of varietes) which was made for his uncle Robin 20 years ago.

He felt really dressed up and proud! I was really nervous up front if he would agree to wear it or not, but that was no problem at all. Here is a pic from the parade for all the kindergardens in Tromsø.
Daniel slept through the whole parade.But the best part of the day is that it is an "law" that allows you to eat as many ice creams as you would like on the of May. Adrian ended up eating 3.

1 comment:

  1. Åh, så skjønn de e begge to (sæll om han Daniel ikkje vistes så alt førr godt da)!! ;)
    B & N fikk bære en is kvær, men det va vesst nok. Derimot spiste han Nikolai store mengda potetgull! ;)
