As you can see Adrian is still quite laidback at times. But believe me, we are struggling with the terrible twos from time to time. Especially when he doesn't get his way... But most of the time he is a happy boy. He has started to talk quite a lot lately, but luckily there is still som quiet moments.
Other stuff:
He doesn't sleep during the day. He stopped doing that a couple of months ago. The staff put him in the pram and he just laid there for 30-60 minutes, never falling asleep, but since he got his dummy he didn't mind at all. (He still loves his dummy, and only get to have it when he is going to sleep.) So, now he gets to stay up with the older kids at childcare.
As for potty training: Forget it! He is just not interrested. And when he doesn't want to, there is no way I can make him. I even bought this fancy little toilet seat with cars and stuff... I guess sooner or later he will get there.
Må jo bare si at vi kjenner oss igjen i det aller meste :-) Nina sluttet å sove på dagen når hun var ca 2 år, men begynte igjen like før sommeren, og nå sover hun av og til i barnehagen. Men enten hun sover eller ikke så liker hun å ligge ca 30 min i vogna fordi hun får smokk. "Vondt i viljen" har hun til stadighet. Og bleieslutt er akkurat like uaktuelt her, ole brum do-setet hjalp ikke dessverre :-) Ser ellers ut som dere har hatt det bra i sommer...vi får vel oppdatere bloggen vår med noen bilder vi også snart, klem fra Heidi og Oliver