
Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Welcome Daniel!

Family of four!
Daniel was born on the 24th of April, 3740 g and 52 cm. He looks a lot like Adrian when he was a baby, in fact it is hard to tell them apart on pictures.

Adrian is a proud big brother and can`t wait to teach him how to play with all his toys. He thinks Daniel is very small, and thus he needs very small toys. He might be excpecting a little too much of his baby brother at this time, lets just hope he not too disappointed of him! Up until now he has been quite gentle and caring, lets hope it lasts...
We have just arrived home from hospital and things are going fine at the moment! The delivery was a lot easier this time around and mum are feeling a lot better than after Adrian was born.


  1. For en stolt storebror på det siste bildet! :)
    Superskjønne begge to. Gratulerer til dere alle.


  2. Verdens stoltaste storebror:)

  3. GRATULERER til alle sammen! Så fine bilder av Daniel og en stolt storebror! Vi gleder oss til å høre mer om hvordan det går i heimen! Masse klemmer

  4. gratulerer så masse. kjempefine bilda dåkker har lagt ut :) gleda mæ tel å se fleire!
