
Sunday, 1 August 2010

Vegetable garden

Finally, time to harvest!
Adrian has been waiting for this moment for quite some time, the harvest of his first cucumber. He was really excited and ate almost the whole cucumber straight away.

Earlier this spring we planted some seeds of cucumber, tomatoes, parsley and chives. The chives and parsley has been ready for a while, but the cucumber and the tomatoes took some time. Here are the first, and I guess the only, cucumber we got. The tomato plants are just starting to get some flowers, but as we are going on a four week holiday we wont see any tomatoes this year. The weather has been cold this summer so the plants are still inside.

Tasting the parsley and chives. Adrian likes it a lot! This photo is taken in May/June and as you can see the cucumber plant has grown quite a lot since then.

Daniel is not allowed to taste this year but is watching his bigger brother do so.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, look how big Adrian has gotten. The boys are looking absolutely gorgeous.
